Colors /

Terracotta orange and navy blue matching sneakers and belt. Wiew of sneakers - Florence KOOIJMAN
Terracotta orange and navy blue matching sneakers and belt. Wiew of belt - Florence KOOIJMAN

$ 348   (Sneakers : $ 219  -  Belt : $ 129)

Navy blue matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of ankle boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Navy blue matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of belt - Florence KOOIJMAN

$ 398   (Ankle boots : $ 269  -  Belt : $ 129)

Terracotta orange matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of ankle boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Terracotta orange matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of belt - Florence KOOIJMAN

$ 378   (Ankle boots : $ 249  -  Belt : $ 129)

Terracotta orange matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of ankle boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Terracotta orange matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of belt - Florence KOOIJMAN

$ 398   (Ankle boots : $ 269  -  Belt : $ 129)

Dark brown matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of ankle boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Dark brown matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of belt - Florence KOOIJMAN

$ 398   (Ankle boots : $ 269  -  Belt : $ 129)

Caramel brown, tan beige and denim blue matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of ankle boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Caramel brown, tan beige and denim blue matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of belt - Florence KOOIJMAN

$ 378   (Ankle boots : $ 249  -  Belt : $ 129)

Navy blue matching thigh-high boots and belt. Wiew of thigh-high boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Navy blue matching thigh-high boots and belt. Wiew of belt - Florence KOOIJMAN

$ 638   (Boots : $ 509  -  Belt : $ 129)

Forest green matching hnee-high boots and calf bracelets. Wiew of hnee-high boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Forest green matching hnee-high boots and calf bracelets. Worn view - Florence KOOIJMAN
Forest green matching hnee-high boots and calf bracelets. Wiew of calf bracelets - Florence KOOIJMAN

$ 508   (Boots : $ 389  -  Belt : $ 119)

Terracotta orange matching hnee-high boots and calf bracelets. Wiew of hnee-high boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Terracotta orange matching hnee-high boots and calf bracelets. Worn view - Florence KOOIJMAN
Terracotta orange matching hnee-high boots and calf bracelets. Wiew of calf bracelets - Florence KOOIJMAN

$ 508   (Boots : $ 389  -  Belt : $ 119)

Midnight blue matching hnee-high boots and belt. Wiew of hnee-high boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Midnight blue matching hnee-high boots and belt. Wiew of belt - Florence KOOIJMAN

$ 518   (Boots : $ 389  -  Belt : $ 129)

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I can choose other heels or soles from 0 à 1.5 cm

See heel and sole collections

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Terracotta orange and navy blue matching sneakers and belt. Wiew of sneakers - Florence KOOIJMAN
Terracotta orange and navy blue matching sneakers and belt. Wiew of belt - Florence KOOIJMAN

348 $   (Sneakers : 219 $  -  Belt : 129 $)

Navy blue matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of ankle boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Navy blue matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of belt - Florence KOOIJMAN

398 $   (Ankle boots : 269 $  -  Belt : 129 $)

Terracotta orange matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of ankle boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Terracotta orange matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of belt - Florence KOOIJMAN

378 $   (Ankle boots : 249 $  -  Belt : 129 $)

Terracotta orange matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of ankle boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Terracotta orange matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of belt - Florence KOOIJMAN

398 $   (Ankle boots : 269 $  -  Belt : 129 $)

Dark brown matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of ankle boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Dark brown matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of belt - Florence KOOIJMAN

398 $   (Ankle boots : 269 $  -  Belt : 129 $)

Caramel brown, tan beige and denim blue matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of ankle boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Caramel brown, tan beige and denim blue matching ankle boots and belt. Wiew of belt - Florence KOOIJMAN

378 $   (Ankle boots : 249 $  -  Belt : 129 $)

Navy blue matching thigh-high boots and belt. Wiew of thigh-high boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Navy blue matching thigh-high boots and belt. Wiew of belt - Florence KOOIJMAN

638 $   (Boots : 509 $  -  Belt : 129 $)

Forest green matching hnee-high boots and calf bracelets. Worn view - Florence KOOIJMAN

508 $   (Boots : 389 $  -  Belt : 119 $)

Terracotta orange matching hnee-high boots and calf bracelets. Worn view - Florence KOOIJMAN

508 $   (Boots : 389 $  -  Belt : 119 $)

Midnight blue matching hnee-high boots and belt. Wiew of hnee-high boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Midnight blue matching hnee-high boots and belt. Wiew of belt - Florence KOOIJMAN

518 $   (Boots : 389 $  -  Belt : 129 $)

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I can choose other heels or soles from 0 à 1.5 cm

See heel and sole collections

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