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Caramel brown, tan beige and navy blue matching ankle boots and bag. Wiew of ankle boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Caramel brown, tan beige and navy blue matching ankle boots and bag. Wiew of bag - Florence KOOIJMAN

$ 468   (Ankle boots : $ 249  -  Bag : $ 219)

Terracotta orange, tan beige and chocolate brown matching ankle boots and bag. Wiew of ankle boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Terracotta orange, tan beige and chocolate brown matching ankle boots and bag. Wiew of bag - Florence KOOIJMAN

$ 468   (Ankle boots : $ 249  -  Bag : $ 219)

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Proposals in beige tan for customization

See leather and fabric collections

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Caramel brown, tan beige and navy blue matching ankle boots and bag. Wiew of ankle boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Caramel brown, tan beige and navy blue matching ankle boots and bag. Wiew of ankle boots - Florence KOOIJMAN

468 $   (Ankle boots : 249 $  -  Bag : 219 $)

Terracotta orange, tan beige and chocolate brown matching ankle boots and bag. Wiew of ankle boots - Florence KOOIJMAN
Terracotta orange, tan beige and chocolate brown matching ankle boots and bag. Wiew of ankle boots - Florence KOOIJMAN

468 $   (Ankle boots : 249 $  -  Bag : 219 $)

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Proposals in beige tan for customization

See leather and fabric collections

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